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Boards and Commissions
Ohio Legislative Service Commission
Judicial Conference, Ohio
Status Type of Board Full-time Expiration Date
Current Permanent No 12/31/2024
Subject to Sunset Review Partisan Affiliation Restriction Senate Confirmation Required
Yes No No
Authority Total Membership
R.C. 105.91 Varies
Dates of Appointment Term Length
Not applicable Term of office
Ending Date Of Term Report Requirements
Not applicable February 1, biennially (odd years) to the General Assembly and Governor on Conference's proceedings and recommendations for legislation
Appointment Authority Membership Composition
Other Members with other stated qualifications
Compensation Staff Assistance
Not Specified Own staff
Chairperson Additional Information
Not specified The Judicial Conference consists of the judges of the Supreme Court, courts of appeals, courts of common pleas, probate courts, juvenile courts, municipal courts, and county courts of Ohio organized and operated upon a voluntary membership basis for the purposes of studying the coordination of the work of the several courts of Ohio encouraging uniformity in the application of law, rules, and practice throughout the state and within each division of the courts as an integral part of the judicial
Composed of judges of Supreme Court, courts of appeals, courts of common pleas, probate courts, juvenile courts, municipal courts, and county courts.