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Boards and Commissions
Ohio Legislative Service Commission
Ohio State University, Board of Trustees of the
Status Type of Board Full-time Expiration Date
Current Permanent No
Subject to Sunset Review Partisan Affiliation Restriction Senate Confirmation Required
No No Yes
Authority Total Membership
R.C. 3335.02 - 3335.04 3335.07 17
Dates of Appointment Term Length
Nonstudents: 1 on 5/14/10 and the same date each 9th year thereafter 1 on 5/14/11 and the same date each 9th year thereafter 2 on 5/14/12 and the same date each 9th year thereafter 2 on 5/14/13 and the same date each 9th year thereafter 2 on 5/14/14 and the same date each 9th year thereafter 4 9 years for nonstudent members;2 years for student members
Ending Date Of Term Report Requirements
May 13 for all members Annual report, with copies to U.S. Secretaries of Interior and Agriculture, and to each of the University's colleges endowed under the federal Agricultural College Act of 1862.
Appointment Authority Membership Composition
Governor Members with other stated qualifications, Other
Compensation Staff Assistance
Expenses Only Own staff
Chairperson Additional Information
Selected annually by members from among Board's members None
No special qualifications for nonstudent members. No reappointment after serving a full 9-year term or more than 6 years of a 9-year term, unless a period of 4 years has elapsed since the last day of the term for which the trustee previously served. The Ohio State student members are nonvoting.